Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.
Thuja orientalis ‘morganii’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja morganii is a small variety ideal for rockery planting, containers or a small boarder. Morganii forms a nice bun shaped plant which grows to a height of 50cms and a width of 30cms. In winter the foliage tips go a nice deep orange colour adding effect to the plant.
Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’
Available in 200mm pots
Thuja blue cone is best suited to being a specimen tree, reaching a height of 1.5m and a width of 1m. It will tolerate frost and wind, and loves sunny areas.
Thuja orientalis ‘aurea nana’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja aurea nana is commonly known as Bookleaf, so named for its branches that resemble book-pages. It has been used as a hedge or in containers but it is best suited to fence-lines with ample spacing.
H/W: 1.5-2m/1m
Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Thuja smaragd is a slow growing conical conifer it will only grow to a maximum of 2m, making it a perfect for container growing. It produces a lovely deep green foliage and is best suited to a sunny spot.
Juniperus virginiana ‘Skyrocket’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus skyrocket commonly known as a pencil pine variety. At 4-5m high and 40cms wide, this plant is tall and skinny. With a light-blue colouration to the foliage it provides a contrast to the green pencil pines for driveways and avenue planting.
Juniperus taxifolia ‘Lutchuensis’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus lutchuensis can provide a lovely flowing effect over banks and containers. This plant has been compared to a living-mulch in that it grows over any weeds. It can cover an area of 3m making each plant by far the fastest growing ground cover conifer.
Juniperus squamata ‘Prostrata’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
uniperus squamata prostrata provides a thick mat-like coverage to the ground and is an excellent ground cover covering an area of 1.5m. This plant provides a sunny location and enough room to spread. This variety is very popular amongst bonsai enthusiasts.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Heaven’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Heaven can be planted in tubs for a specimen look but can also be used in a formal garden or along a driveway. This plant is very versitile in its planting locations. It is a very hardy plant and can grow up to 3m.
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow is considered a slow growing plant, it works well in formal gardens as it requires little maintenance and yet still maintains a very conical shape.
H/W: 4m/30cms
Juniperus conferta
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus conferta is a very fast growing groundcover conifer that can withstand cool climates. It is ideal plant to grow over an embankment and in rockery gardens. It will stay low to the ground and will cover an area of up to 2sq metres.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Juniperus spartan can grow to 3m in a garden situation. If left unattended for a number of years it can grow taller. There are a number on the Glenleigh property that are 4m+ tall. This plant is very popular for topiary work and can be used as a wind break or screen.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Pyramidalis’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus pyramidalis only grows to a height of 1m and is a perfect plant for a pot or as a feature. This plant tolerates wind and would be well used in coastal situations along fence-lines.
Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus blue point can be used as a feature plant due to its blue foliage. It prefers a full-sun position and is considered a low maintenance easy-to-grow conifer.
Height/Width: 3m/1.5m
Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’
Available in 200mm pots
Juniperus keteleeri needs a large open space to grow as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of 3-4m. It has been used as a lawn specimen plant. This conifer is an easy to grow conifer and loves a full-sun aspect.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swanes Golden’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus swanes golden is ideal for planting along driveways and avenues. The pencil pine is a common tall / skinny variety. To produce its best golden colour it is best planted in full sun. This variety of Pine is very slow growing.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Nitschkes Needle’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens nitschkes needle is another good pencil pine specimen for avenue planting as it reaches a height of 5m and a width of only 1m. This variety handles light frosts and dry conditions once established.
Cupressus sempervirens ‘glauca’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus sempervirens glauca is a good specimen for avenue planting that requires even spacing. This plant was introduced as an alternative to the common stricta variety. It can grow tall (6m+) over the years but its distinguishing feature is its green-blue tinge to the foliage.
Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressus blue ice thrives in a sunny location. Its blue foliage can produce chills its so icey! The plant has an amazing look in winter as the light foliage colour is drawn out and appears
silvery. It can reach 5m tall and grow to 3m wide.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Silver Dust’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis silver dust is a fast growing tree that when planted in a row can make a great wind or screen break. This conifer forms dense dark green conical shape and with cream flecks on the tips that appear to be scattered on the plant.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Naylors Blue’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis naylors blue is very similar in most aspects to Leightons Green except it far surpasses Leightons Green in height and colour. It can reach a massive 15m and therefore requires plently of space, it also has lovely light blue foliage.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Nugget’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold nugget likes a full-sun position. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs, similar to Gold Rider, the main distinguishing feature is that Gold Nugget only reaches half the
height at 2m, it is good for a short wind break or feature.
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Gold Rider’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis gold rider can be planted both in tubs and in the ground. This conifer can withstand salt spray and high winds it therefore is a good coastal specimen.
Height/Width: 4m/2m
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Cupressocyparis castlewellan gold is best known for its wind break capabilities, with a maximum height of 6m and a width of 4m, a wind storm will be stopped in its tracks! Once established this plant can survive long periods of drought, and still look stunning!
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Pygmaea’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Chamaecyparis pygmaea can be used in rockery conifer gardens, it adds texture to a garden with a bronze winter foliage colour. This conifer is perfect for a full sun position and fills small spaces as its maximum height and width is 50cms.