Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.
Westringia fruticosa ‘Zena’
Available in 200mm pots
Westringia zena is a smaller variety of westringa with softer foliage reaching a height of only 90cms and a width to match. This variety equally likes a full-sun location and will thrive in
drought like conditions. It is ideal for a low border or tight hedge.
Viburnum tinus ‘Anvi’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum anvi is a new variety of tinus brought to us by Ozbreed. The variety provides more prolific flowering and more branching. It can grow in all aspects (full-sun to shade). This variety flowers continuously from winter through into spring.
H/W: 3m/3m
Viburnum tinus
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum tinus is commonly used as a hedging plant and produces lovely umbels of white flowers, which contrast well with the deep green foliage. Tinus is a slower growing variety but will reach the same height as the odoratissimum varieties if given the time.
H/W: 2-2.5m/1.5m
Viburnum odoratissimum ‘Dense Fence’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Viburnum dense fence is a new variation to the standard odoratissimum, it is slower growing and produces tighter internodes, creating better branching with less maintenance. Its new growth has a bronze-red tinge to it. Can withstand temperatures as low as -3C
H/W: 3-5m/2m
Viburnum odoratissimum
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum odoratissimum is perfect for high-fast growing hedges and screens. It produces white umbels of creamy white flowers that produce a very fragrant smell. It can grow in full-sun or part-shade, deep watering is required for establishment.
H/W: 3-5m/2-4m
Viburnum odoratissimum Emerald Lustre
Available in 200mm pots
Viburnum emerald lustre is a viburnum variety with large ovate glossy leaves, it is best grown in a semi-shaded position out of direct sun in the summer months. It is commonly used as a low hedge in sheltered areas. This plant loves water and will need very regular watering.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Available in 200mm & 250mm pots
Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’ it is a vigiorous climber which can climb to 6m when pruned and maintained properly. It is an excellent specimen for training over a pergola or to cover a fence. The flowers possess a star shaped formation and are very fragrant.
Syzygium australe ‘Resillence’
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium resillence is known for its easy to grow nature. It can form a hedge to a height of 5m in optimal conditions. The new growth is a vibrant red, the flowers are a cream colour and the berries are a mauve colour. These will also attract a number of birds to the garden.
Syzygium Cascade (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Syzygium cascade is a dense growing plant commonly used for hedges and screening up to 3m. The plant has a weeping effect and forms a relaxed hedge, it can also be used as a specimen plant as the weeping effect will be utilised. The new growth forms either a lemon colour or a light pink colour.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Robusta’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia robusta can be used as a specimen tree, but is most commonly known for its hedging abilities. The new tips produce a copper-pink coloration in a full-sun aspect. It can grow to a height of 3-5m and a width of 2-3m but this depends on the use of the plant.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’
Available in 200mm pots
Photinia red robin is commonly used as a hedging and screening plant. Trimming promotes the new bright red tips and keeps the plant tight and compact. It can reach a height of 4-6m and a width of up to 4m but it depends on whether or not its to be used as a hedge or a tree.
Michelia figo
Available in 200mm pots
Michelia figo is commonly known as the Port Wine Magnolia. This plant can be used in a number of ways – as a hedge, in a formal garden for topiary, as a stand alone shrub or pruned to shape under a window. It will flower more in a full-sun aspect, and can form a 3m x 3m hedge.
Nandina domestica ‘Obsession’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina obsession forms a small plant that can be used as a feature or as a hedge. New foliage on this plant grows red all year round. It has small sized leaves and forms a small shrub. The appearance gained is more formal than other nandina varieties.
H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Nandina domestica ‘Nana’
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina nana is perfect for a small hedge or border. The foliage of this variety changes colour in the winter months. It can add some colour to the garden when nothing is in flower in winter. If pruned regularly it will maintain its compact growth.
H/W: 80cm/80cm
Nandina domestica ‘Blush’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Nandina blush is a new variety that produces bright red foliage all year round. It is an ideal feature plant or can be grown for its colour as a contrast to other plants around it. It is tolerant of most conditions. H/W: 60-70cm/60cm
Murraya paniculata
Available in 200mm pots
Murraya paniculata is commonly known as Mock Orange due to its fragrent orange smell and similarities with the orange tree. It can be used as a hedge or a tree depending on the location and the flowers attract a variety of bees and birds.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Euonymus microphyllus ‘Easy Hedge’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Euonymus easy hedge forms a thick tight plant, perfect for low borders along paths or as a low plant in formal settings. Flowers are insignificant and the foliage is deep green with a lime-green
contrast for new growth. This is a fast growing plant when compared to buxus varieties, though it doesnt grow as high.
H/W: 30-50cm/40-50cm
Duranta repens ‘Sheena’s Gold’
Available in 200mm pots
Duranta sheena’s gold can be kept and trimmed to form a tight hedge or left as a stand alone plant for a more relaxed, sporatic affect. This plant grows lovely light mauve flowers in spring
followed by orange berries in autumn. In the NSW climate, the leaves gain a dark purple colouration throughout winter.
H/W: 3m/1m
Coprosma repens ‘Karo Red’ (PBR)
Available in 140mm & 200mm pots
Coprosma karo red can be used as a low garden hedge or a feature in a tub or container. It prefers full-sun warm position and can handle salt spray and coastal conditions due to a thick leaf wall.
H/W: 1.2m/1m
Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ (PBR)
Available in 200mm pots
Acmena cherry surprise is best known for its fresh red tips in spring and autumn and its hedge growing abilities. It can withstand most conditions and sun aspects. It can grow anywhere from 1-3m high and 1-1.5m wide.